Debt to Income | Soft Pull Solutions Skip to main content

Soft Pull Solutions provides income estimates in addition to credit reports.

Our income estimator enables lenders to evaluate consumers based on more than just their credit scores. Income checks also help calculate debt to income and increase confidence the borrower will pay back on their loan. A debt-to-icome ratio (DTI) is a reflection of how well a consumer is currently doing at managing their debt and income. Debt-to-income compares consumers' monthly debt payments they owe versus their monthly income. Analyzing these two factors helps lenders and businesses understand the risk a potential borrower may pose. Our income report allows you to see job history, employer name, annual income, and job tenure.

How do you provide income estimates?

Income checks are designed to be fast and more accurate than manual processing.

No more waiting to get this information!

Don't slow down the process while you wait for another source to verify the income for you!

Additional Reports & Features

When you sign up with Soft Pull Solutions, you’ll have access to a variety of other detailed reports and services designed to meet your specific business needs. Click the button to view a full list of reports available to your account or to schedule a meeting.

Difference Between Soft & Hard Pulls

What Is Different? Soft Pulls Hard Pulls
Impact on consumer credit? No Yes
Social Security Number required? No Yes
Date of Birth required? No Yes
Does running an inquiry create trigger leads? No Yes
Do you need to print a Risk-Based Pricing Notification and give it to the consumer after you pull the report? No Yes
Is it a full credit report? Yes Yes
Is a FICO Score included with the report? Yes Yes
Is the report sufficient for tenant screening purposes? Yes Yes
Can I get consent over the phone? Yes Yes

See the Difference Firsthand

Click below to view a sample of a soft pull credit report

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